Ellen McLemore

Licensed Real Estate Professional

Ellen McLemore is committed to providing Exceptional Service and working to ensure each client receives Exceptional Results.  She and her husband, Jim live in Athens after relocating numerous times for his career.

Clients moving here whether from 500 miles away or just across town will  benefit from her relocation expertise and experience.

Ellen also enjoys helping sellers prepare their homes to list by being hands on from the first day and will be there for the client until the day it is sold and beyond.

As a former music educator and founder of a nonprofit children’s community choir, Ellen established a reputation for excellence in her work in the classroom as well as in other areas of her career.  She has parlayed her successes and skills of negotiation, working with others and hard work into a successful full time real estate business here in Athens and at 5Market Realty.

Because of her dedication to running a client centered business, her clients are able to focus on the most important part of the move-themselves.

Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 706-255-6160

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